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Each workshop is custom-designed for your organization and associates.
Together, we tailor the workshop topic, length, and discussion to your needs.


To accommodate different learning styles, we use multiple formats in our workshops.

  • For auditory learners: oral presentation, discussion, and videos.

  • For visual learners: PowerPoint slides and handouts.

  • For kinesthetic learners: interactive discussions, worksheets, “pop quizzes,”
    and small group activities.


(*) Denotes workshops that can be offered for associates in non-leadership positions.

Our Most Popular Workshops

Build a High Performance Team

The ultimate goal of leaders at every level is to have a team that consistently exceeds expectations.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • The 10 characteristics of high performance teams.

  • The desired qualities of team members.

  • How to create unity and teamwork by developing team “norms” of behavior.




Leadership Essentials

Before leaders can effectively perform their responsibilities, they must understand what leadership is and what it does and how.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • The values and beliefs of effective leaders.

  • The different roles a leader must fulfill.

  • The relationships a leader must maintain to enhance a multi-functional view of the organization.

  • The skills and attributes of the successful leader.



Develop a Culture of Success*

Equipment and processes don’t run themselves. Associates do. Long-term success is determined by the values, beliefs, and behaviors of associates, and they are influenced by your organization’s culture. Leaders create that culture.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • What “culture” is and why it’s important for your company’s success.

  • How culture develops and the leader’s role in developing it.

  • The difference between infrastructure and culture and the impact each has on results.

  • How values, beliefs, and norms impact culture.

  • The importance of developing and using Guiding Principles/Values Statements and “norms.”

  • How to select the right people: identify desired attributes, develop questions, and interview for cultural fit.



Communicate for Results*

Improving communication has long been recognized as the #1 need in organizations. This workshop provides the tools and assessments needed to become an excellent communicator.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • How the communication process works using a model to identify where problems occur.

  • The use of body language and tone of voice to enhance communication.

  • To use active listening to ensure that communications are received and understood.

  • Participants will complete and use a communication styles assessment to effectively communicate with diverse work styles.



Develop a Culture of Engagement Through Internal Accountability*

In many organizations, accountability is applied negatively, leading to a culture of victimization, lack of ownership, and compromised results. Workshop participants will learn to overcome victimization and create a culture of positive, internal accountability in which associates act as owners and willingly provide performance above expectations.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • The relationship between Accountability, Engagement, and Discretionary Effort.

  • The reasons some associates aren’t accountable at work.

  • The difference between external and internal accountability and how each impacts culture and performance.

  • How the long-term application of negative, external accountability leads to a culture of victimization and lack of accountability.

  • To recognize victim behavior and address it.

  • The difference between Belief X and Belief Y and their impact on accountability.

  •  How the leader’s expectations (the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy) influence performance either positively or negatively.

  • The characteristics of a culture of internal accountability and how to create it.



Create a Culture That Motivates Others to Achieve

Motivation is personal and can only come from within. This workshop helps build the skills necessary to create an environment in which others choose to self-motivate.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • The concept of engagement and how to use this knowledge to increase motivation, improve commitment, and increase discretionary effort.

  • To use the ABC Model to create motivating conditions.

  • The primary motivators in your workplace and their impact on organizational success.

  • To use the 7 universal motivational techniques that lead to engagement.



Influence Through Earning the Respect and Trust of the Workforce

Earning the respect and trust of the workforce is the first essential step toward creating willing followers who will go above and beyond minimum job expectations.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • Why trust and respect for the leader are critical for success.

  • The leader characteristics and behaviors that cause associates to lose trust and respect.

  • The characteristics of a high trust organization where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

  • How leaders gain and keep the trust and respect of associates.



Organize to Get Things Done*

Day leaders tackle a tremendous amount of work. Add to this the unexpected: emergencies, phone calls, emails, visitors, and meetings. To be effective, leaders must keep their work organized and under control. In this workshop, participants evaluate their current methods of getting work done and learn new skills that will significantly increase their results.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • How your work/communication style impacts your ability to get things done.

  • To use time management tools:

    • An Activity Log to identify and eliminate time wasters.

    • A Weekly Time Schedule to organize your work.

  • To apply the Pareto principle to identify the most important value-added tasks.

  • To use a management tool to prioritize separate tasks to ensure they are completed in the most effective sequence.

  • To apply a step-by-step process to improve productivity.



Delegate for Empowerment and Engagement

Leaders cannot meet objectives without delegating to others. In this workshop, participants not only learn how to delegate effectively, but also to use delegation as a means to develop skills and build motivation.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • The benefits of delegating and how it leads to leveraging team resources, associate empowerment, and respect and trust.

  • The reasons some leaders hesitate to delegate.

  • The relationship between responsibility, authority, and accountability.

  • To identify the principles of effective delegation.

  • How to use Situational Leadership to lead, develop, and delegate.



Manage Conflict*

Did you know conflict is actually necessary for organizational success? Lack of conflict indicates a malfunctioning environment where trust is limited and improvement ideas few. Learning to manage conflict successfully to accomplish the work and also to preserve and build relationships is a skill required in a dynamic, success-oriented organization.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • The origins of conflict at work.

  • To redefine conflict to bring about positive results.

  • The 5 conflict resolution styles and how and when to use each one.

  • The levels of conflict and how to address each.

  • To facilitate appropriate interpersonal conflict between associates.

  • To facilitate your own conflict with another person.

  • To use Interest-Based Problem Solving (IBPS) to resolve conflict.



Develop a Performance Management Process

Managing performance requires development of a structured process to ensure each individual has measurable performance expectations, and feedback is delivered where and when needed for decision-making and process improvement.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • To define Performance Management and explain its importance.

  • To identify and apply the steps and establish a Performance Management process.

  • To use the Performance Management process to monitor results and provide performance feedback.

  • How to take action when performance does not meet expectations.

  • To create a performance culture through performance feedback.



Coach for Performance Improvement

Effective leaders address poor performance in a manner that leads to improved performance while maintaining positive relationships and motivation. Additionally, effective leaders continuously coach to develop the skills and abilities of all crew members. This workshop provides the skills and knowledge to diagnose individual performance issues and resolve problems for a positive outcome.


In this workshop you will learn:

  • The 2 goals of coaching and when to apply each.

  • To treat mistakes as learning opportunities.

  • The most common people performance issues, their cause, and how to address them.

  • The 4 steps to problem identification and resolution and apply them to solve a current issue.

  • To apply the steps of successful coaching.

  • During this workshop, you will identify a current issue, the cause, and the solution and develop an action plan to address it.



Lead Change

Many associates have difficulty adjusting to change, preferring instead to maintain the status quo.


During this workshop you will learn:

  • The most common reasons change efforts fail and how to overcome them.

  • The leader’s role in organizational change.

  • The 3 basic systems involved in change and how to use them to help implement change.

  • To use the human action model to drive change.

  • To identify and address the major reasons for resistance to change.

  • During this workshop, participants will complete an assessment to identify their change style then use the results to understand diversity and deliver the change message in the language of others.



Introduction to Continuous Improvement*

The competition isn’t standing still, and your organizations will only survive if you have a strong culture of continuous improvement. In this workshop, participants learn the characteristics of a continuous improvement culture, the value stream and customer/supplier relationships, and 3 effective improvement/problem solving techniques.


During this workshop you will learn:

  • The reasons continuous improvement is critical for the long-term success of your organization and associates.

  • The core concepts of continuous improvement.

  • How continuous improvement begins with your mindset.

  • The characteristics of a continuous improvement culture.

  • The characteristics of associates who are 100% committed to continuous improvement.

  • To use continuous improvement tools to improve your operation.

  • To create a culture of continuous improvement.

  • During this workshop, you will diagram your value stream, including suppliers and customers.



Develop a Total Safety Culture*

Many organizations, when faced with an unacceptable safety record, seek improvement by doing more of what’s already been done: more rules, more policies, and more discipline. However, these solutions are only as successful as associates’ willingness to follow them. In this workshop, participants learn the underlying reasons for unsafe behavior and how to address them to create a culture of total safety in which associates practice safe behavior not out of fear of discipline, but because doing so is the right thing to do.



Interview for Success*

Making the wrong choice when hiring associates not only leads to poor performance, turnover, and additional costs, but also disrupts working relationships on your team. Participants learn a formal interviewing process designed to accurately identify the best candidate for the job.



Conduct an Effective Meeting

Who hasn’t complained about attending unproductive meetings? In this workshop, participants learn how to organize and facilitate a meeting that produces real results.



Develop Competency-Based Learning Materials*

Overall, traditional skills training has either failed to deliver results or done so at excessive cost. In this workshop, participants learn to develop and implement a structured learning process that not only delivers results but also reduces overall training cost. Based on Jeff’s bookparticipants learn how to analyze work and develop learning materials (usually in a blended format), then design assessments to confirm the competence of each learner.



Train the Trainer* 

What would it mean to your company if you knew that your training process:

  • Ensures that every associate is objectively qualified to safely perform all essential job functions?

  • Maximizes effectiveness while minimizing cost and establishes “best practices” for each job task?

  • Ensures qualifications are legally defensible — based on an analysis of the work and consistently applied — and everyone is treated equally?


The success of any organization is built upon the foundation of the competence of its workforce. The key to developing this competence lies with the skills and knowledge of the trainer.


During this workshop you will learn:

  • The Training Process: The characteristics of successful training; how training is developed and how materials and training sessions are structured; the importance of learning objectives; and the role of assessments in evaluating learner performance.

  • The Learner:  How to ensure the training is learner centered; how adults learn; the 3 learning styles and how to address each; how to flex to match your style to the communication style of the learner; how to recognize the 4 stages of learning and provide the learner what is needed at each stage; how to deliver constructive feedback to learners; and how to handle conflict for positive results.

Conducting the Training: How to train one-on-one; how to conduct training for a group; and how to enhance learning through the use of various tools.


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